7 Steps to build a WordPress website from scratch

Websites creation is a difficult task for non tech people. Many seek help from Youtube and from their friends to tell them about the website development. There are many helping materials available on the internet for WordPress website development. However, most of them are not free and need a paid subscription to access, while many are outdated having only superficial resemblance with the current scenarios. Lets go step by step through the development of website on wordpress CMS.

Step 1: Planning and Preparation

Before you jump into the actual website development, it’s crucial to spend time planning and preparing. This step sets the foundation for a successful website. Start by defining your website goals and objectives. Ask yourself: What purpose will my website serve? What are the key features and functionalities I want to incorporate? Having a clear vision will help you make informed decisions throughout the development process.

Step 2: Buy a domain and select hosting provider:

The first and foremost thing to do is to buy a custom domain of your choice from a reputed agency. The domain name should resonate with your brand name. After selecting the domain, get the services of top hosting provider. A good hosting provider will provide best security features, SSL certificates, speedy back up and recovery system etc.

Step 3: Selecting a Theme

The visual appeal of your website plays a significant role in attracting and engaging visitors. WordPress offers a vast array of themes that cater to various industries and design preferences. Begin by exploring the WordPress theme directory, where you can find both free and premium themes. Look for a theme that suits your brand identity, provides the necessary customization options, and supports responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices.

Once you have chosen a theme, it’s time to make it your own. Customize the appearance and layout of your website by tweaking color schemes, fonts, and background images. Many themes offer built-in customization options, allowing you to create a unique look without any coding knowledge. Activate your chosen theme, and watch as your website transforms into a visually appealing and cohesive online presence.

Step 4: Adding Essential Plugins

Plugins are like superpowers for your WordPress website, adding extra functionality and features with just a few clicks. Explore the vast plugin directory and identify the ones that will enhance your website’s performance, security, and user experience. Some essential plugins to consider include:

SEO Plugin: Boost your website’s visibility in search engine rankings with an SEO plugin that helps optimize your content, meta tags, and URLs.

Security Plugin: Safeguard your website from potential threats with a reliable security plugin that provides features like malware scanning, firewall protection, and login security.

Contact Form Plugin: Allow visitors to get in touch easily by installing a contact form plugin, enabling seamless communication between you and your audience.

Performance Optimization Plugin: Improve your website’s loading speed and overall performance with a plugin that optimizes image sizes, caches files, and minifies code.

Step 5: Creating and Organizing Content

Content is the heart and soul of your website, and it’s essential to structure and organize it effectively. Begin by designing a logical structure for your website, mapping out the main pages and their hierarchy. Consider how users will navigate your site and ensure a seamless user experience.

Create pages for important sections such as Home, About, Services, and Contact. Craft compelling and informative content that aligns with your brand voice and resonates with your target audience. Additionally, publish engaging blog posts to share valuable insights, updates, or stories that keep visitors coming back for more.

Step 6: Enhancing Functionality with Widgets and Menus

Widgets and menus are powerful tools that allow you to customize and enhance the functionality of your WordPress website. Widgets are small modules that you can drag and drop into widget areas, such as sidebars or footers, to add extra features. Popular widgets include social media feeds, recent posts, calendars, and newsletter subscription forms. Explore the wide range of widgets available and select those that add value to your website.

Menus, on the other hand, provide navigation options for visitors to explore your site easily. Create a primary menu that appears in the header of your website, and consider additional menus for footer navigation or drop-down options. Customize the menu structure, labels, and hierarchy to ensure a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Step 7: Securing and Optimizing Your Website

As a website owner, it’s vital to prioritize the security and performance of your WordPress website. Implementing security measures protects your website from potential threats and ensures the safety of your visitors’ data. Consider installing a reputable security plugin that provides features like two-factor authentication, login lockdown, and regular malware scanning.

Optimizing your website for speed and performance is equally important. Users expect fast-loading websites, and search engines take page speed into account when ranking websites. Optimize your images by compressing them without sacrificing quality, utilize caching plugins to store static versions of your web pages, and minify your CSS and JavaScript files to reduce file sizes. Regularly back up your website to safeguard your data and have a restore point in case of any unforeseen events.


Building a WordPress website from scratch may be hard but if done through a proper wordp[ress company, customers can get the positive results. In New York, The Digitech Resource Group, TDTRG is the best custom agency that has specialization in crafting WordPress website on time and within a low budget.

Our WordPress developers have years of experience and highly skilled creative abilities to outshine competitors. We have made more than 300 WordPress projects for the SMEs in New York. If you wish to acquire our services, reach us at info@tdtrg.com.

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