How to Optimize Your Mobile App for Search Engines

Optimize Your Mobile App for Search Engines

Your mobile app can be an exciting way to reach your customers and help you achieve business success, but there’s one thing that can negatively impact its success—search engine optimization (SEO). Whether you’re looking to optimize your Android app or your iPhone app, understanding how search engines work and learning how to optimize your app to be successful is essential.

In this article, we’ll review the basics of search engine optimization and explore how you can optimize your app for search engines.

Mobile App Optimization: Why to Care?   

A mobile app could mean the difference between a successful and unsuccessful business. You want your app ranking on the top of the list in the online store so that users can find you with ease. This sounds easy, but if you fail to optimize your app properly, it will be nearly impossible for people to locate it.

Don’t give up just yet! We’re here to show you how to boost your app’s rankings so that it can become a well-known name.

ASO Ranking Factors: Keywords, Ratings and Review, Backlinks  

Investing in ASO and properly optimizing your app will lead to higher search rankings, greater user engagement, and increased downloads.

Keyword research is a vital component of app optimization. When creating your keywords, avoid overusing the same terms within your app title and description. The keyword should be specific enough that you rank #1 for that keyword or in the top three organic results page (SERP).

What about negative keywords? It’s also important to create negative keywords so that potential users don’t see your app show up if they’re searching for something irrelevant. For example, if you sell an app for dogs but not cats, include cat as a negative keyword.

You may also want to set your location preference in Google Play Store and Apple App Store to ensure people are looking at apps relevant to their geographical area.

Reviews matter

Start by asking family and friends to download the app and leave feedback on iTunes Connect or Google Play Developer Console under User Reviews. Social media shares can also help with reviews. Especially if your company has strong followings on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Where you can request followers review your app.

Lastly, backlinks are important too! Sites like Yahoo!, Bing, Wikipedia and Foursquare. All allow for linking back to your mobile app store listing with ease. Consider including a link to your app from sites like these because they could bring in more traffic from new visitors. Who have never heard of your brand before.

However, make sure it doesn’t interfere with anything else on the site. If you do need another link for other purposes. Simply add Apple or Google to the end of the URL and it will redirect viewers to those stores instead.

The most popular social network to post links to is Facebook; just add a link icon with text Visit our app below your post. All in all, following these steps will put you on the right track towards boosting your app rankings, improving conversions and making them easier to find.

Tips to optimize apps in the app store

Find out which words your potential customers might be searching when they are looking for an app like yours. Put these words in the description and keywords fields on your app store listing page. Create a short video that you can use to populate the description field.

Be sure to include a link in the description field to download your video-this will help people who may not have enough data, or those with small data plans, be able to see what your app does. Add screenshots of your app to show how it looks on various devices.

Include any third party reviews in the Reviews section of your app’s listing so that you can use them as proof of how well your app is performing. Increase conversion rates by using call to action phrases such as Install Now! in your marketing materials.

Get Visitors

The goal is to get visitors from search engines onto your website. Where they can download your app and make purchases from within the app itself. Make sure your app listing has all the key information about what your app does, who it’s for, its features, compatibility information (e.g., iOS 10) and pricing so that users can find all the information they need before downloading.

If you want to continue building traffic after getting rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). Then create additional keyword-focused content on social media channels and blogs related to your product category. You’ll also want to share this blog post and videos on your own social media accounts.

With regular promotion, you should be able to increase customer awareness of your mobile app without having to spend too much money. Remember, if someone doesn’t know about your app already. it’s going to be hard for them to download it or buy anything from inside of it. It may take some time and patience before you see any real improvement in rankings. But the changes you make now will set you up for success down the road.

Keep the app title short, clear, and under 25 characters along with the keywords

Google Play and the Apple Store make it easy to search for and download apps, but sometimes it’s hard to find what you’re looking for. As competition increases in the mobile app market. You’ll need to figure out how best to position your app in front of potential customers.

One way is by optimizing the title, description, keywords, and screenshots to better match searches. Try to keep the app title short, clear, and under 25 characters along with the keywords. For example: if someone was searching for a recipe app on a smart phone then cooking would be a good keyword.

If they were also looking for a healthy option, then recipe might not be as relevant. What are some other words or phrases that people might search? Think about what terms you used when finding this post and try adding them to your title too.

Use tags such as food, nutrition, diet, exercise for recipes; fitness, running for fitness apps. Money management, budgeting for finance tools. The more specific your keywords are to the topic of your app, the more likely you’ll get visitors from those types of searches.

You can include up to 10 in your app store listing. Which should give you plenty of opportunity to use the right ones. If you have a new app idea, write down what type of users you want it to reach and start brainstorming keywords associated with that demographic before designing your marketing strategy.

Make sure that the app icon looks clear, visible, and effective

It’s important that your app icon is immediately recognizable, either as a symbol or picture. You want users to be able to see your icon and know what it stands for. An effective icon is one that is simple and free of any extraneous detail (think Apple).

In the mobile app world, there are many different ideas on how an effective icon should look. Some people like them flat, some with gradients. Some like them brightly colored while others prefer neutral colors.

When you’re designing your own app icon make sure you think about who will be using it and whether they will understand it quickly. If you have more than one app in the store. Try to make all of their icons similar so people don’t confuse them with other apps. They might not have downloaded yet.

Try not to use dark colors as these won’t show up well against the background of most smartphones. A good way to avoid this problem is by making both light and dark versions of your icon.  The light version can be used on the lighter backgrounds such as white, yellow, and green. The dark version can be used on darker backgrounds such as black and blue. Using both types of icon allows your potential customers to always see your logo at its best no matter what type of phone they have. Be creative but keep things simple!

Add a detailed description of the app

In order to optimize your app for search engines, try adding a description of your app on the Features page. This description should describe what your app does and why people will want it. It can also be important to include keywords that relate specifically to your app or business in this text.

A well-described app will make it easier for potential customers and interested browsers to find you when they’re searching the web. And if people are able to learn about your app before downloading it. Then there’s less chance they’ll download something else by mistake.

There are many keyword phrases to keep in mind when describing your app. You might consider using words like tactile or low power if you’ve created an educational game or quiz, but with such a broad range of apps out there, it’s not always easy to know which keywords will work best for you.

Certain words and phrases

If you need help coming up with these words, go back through the Google Play Store and see which words other apps use to describe themselves. Or check out your competitors’ descriptions. Pay attention to how often they mention certain words and phrases, and whether their descriptions read more like advertisements or objective summaries.

The better you understand how others market their apps, the better prepared you’ll be to craft a compelling pitch for yours. When describing your app, try to avoid getting into too much detail or promotional language. Instead focus on making sure people have a general idea of what it is.

So, now you know how to market your mobile app so that it shows up at the top of searches on Google Play! With a little time and effort, your app will start to get noticed and downloaded even more often.


By using keyword-focused content, getting reviews and increasing your mobile app’s presence on the internet, you can better optimize your app for search engines. Use these tips as a starting point, and you’ll be well on your way to getting new customers coming through the door in no time.

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