Developing the Video Games: Stages Of Game Development at TDTRG

1. Story or idea of the Game 

Before we start the game development, we inquire about all the details and information from the client. Our product management team of video gamers gets the initial rough sketch of an idea from customers. After consulting with technical development, we suggest and advise customers of the editing, addition, or removal of items, and ideas.

As we know the story or idea is important before the development of the game, so our team consults with the strategy officer, and digital planner, as to get their ideas and brainstorm the forthcoming prospects that we can deliver to the client. Whatever niche or category the customer requests, we start working on it.

2. Designing the game 

Game designers of TDTRG ensure that all the designs of costumes, background, and surrounding, guns, cars, equipment, have attractive layouts. The UI/UX designers ensure that the game design is responsive. The designers make game wireframes and layouts for gaming projects with such zeal that clients do not get away without praising us. The crafted designs are unique and have an impeccable look. It is worth mentioning that all the systems at TDTRG are of the highest quality with fast processing and large hard. They use premium versions of advanced applications and tools, which means we do not use cracked versions or unpaid tools. Our designing starter with initial designing and illustration leads to the rendering and animation of games.

3. Development  of gaming projects 

It is a technical phase. After the design has been approved by the customer side, we start working on the game development project. Our project manager and senior developers check the time duration of work completion and feasibility of work whether possible or not according to design.

If there is any issue in design it is transferred back for reediting to the design team. The development team starts the coding and programming as per the given design. The course ensures that gaming language is workable. We use c#, python, HTML, etc programming languages for game development.

Apart from coding, our gamers animate the games and we also add 3D animation. The 2D and 3d animation team add high graphics, visuals, and contrast to the gaming. They ensure that the rendering of game videos is of the highest quality, therefore we use GPUs and high-quality graphics cards.

The sound effect is also added by our vocal and audio team. These audio tracks and sound effects create immersive effects in games. The gaming after the development provides a realistic effect to the user and thus attracts the buyer and players to play games.

4. Testing of Video Games

Before releasing the beta version, they are being tested by our game quality assurance team. The first playable game is tested on various stages and levels with tools. The main goal of our testing is to identify the bugs and defects in the gaming project. We do compatibility, functionality, combinatorial, regression, and ad hoc testing before finalizing the project.

5. Release of Video Games

The release of the gaming project for the customer depends on the previous steps. If the gaming project has passed the critical steps of testing and QA from our side, only then they are passed to the managers and customers for final audit and reviewing.

The first release of the game is an alpha and beta release followed by the final product. It is worth mentioning that even after completion, our marketing and social media team promotes the developed game of the client. The promotion usually takes a week. We viral the game and create hype amongst the game enthusiasts to pre-buy the game.

Best Video game agency

The Digitech Resource Group, TDTRG is a top video game agency that has provided video game development services for customers in New York and all around the world. Our video game developers craft unreal, and unity games at an economical rate.

TDTRG game developers’ enthusiasm for gaming speaks for their work as they deliver unique gaming projects with zeal and enthusiasm. TDTRG game developers are capable of handling every kind of difficult gaming project. We have already completed dozens of projects and have years of experience under our belt. If you are interested in the gaming project of TDTRG or want to have a free quotation reach us at


Which is the best video game development company in New York?

The Digitech Resource Group is the best full-service video game development agency offering top-notch services to game enthusiasts in the Bronx, New York, Manhattan, and Queens.

Can we develop video games at home?

Traditionally you need a large team to develop a game as there are varying fields where developers work. So, I will recommend hiring the services of a professional gaming company.

What platform should you use for playing online video games?

Arkadium, Poki, crazy games, and EA are some of the best websites for playing online video games for gaming enthusiasts.

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