Auditing the Content for Guest Posting

Content is the core of any successful guest posting strategy. Not only can it help build credibility in your niche, but it can also drive traffic and engage target audiences. But not all forms of content are equal – over time your website may accumulate articles, blog posts and other forms that are no longer performing optimally; an audit is therefore essential.

By reviewing and analyzing existing posts to make necessary improvements and following best practices for SEO and content creation, an audit will help increase performance and success with guest posts while driving more traffic, engagement, and success for guest posting efforts.

What is a content audit? 

Content auditing is the practice of evaluating and analyzing existing content to identify its strengths and weaknesses and make improvements accordingly. A content audit can cover anything from blog posts to landing pages – to ensure they align with your goals while optimizing for search engines. Let’s understand the main factors that content auditors check in the written piece.


Your content’s introduction should be clear and understandable to keep readers engaged throughout its entirety. A well-crafted introduction sets the stage for future posts by engaging the audience and keeping their interest intact.

Meta Descriptions:

Your meta descriptions serve as short summaries of your content that appear in search engine results pages. They should accurately reflect the topic and keywords of your guest post while being compelling and informative for readers to click. A well-crafted meta description can draw people in for further reading; make sure it engages and intrigues!

Keyword Gaps:

Keywords are at the core of SEO and play an essential part in driving organic traffic to your guest post. Performing research to identify relevant terms used by your target audience will enable you to ensure they appear naturally and strategically within your content, looking out for any gaps or missing words and adding them back in to improve its SEO performance.

Plagiarized Content:

Plagiarized content can have grave repercussions for guest posting efforts, not only compromising credibility and reputation but also opening you up to legal risks. Use plagiarism detection tools to check for duplicate or plagiarized materials within your guest posts to detect plagiarism, as well as to ensure all materials in them are original, well-researched, and properly cited if referencing external sources.

Word Count:

Content length matters greatly when it comes to readability and SEO performance, with too little offering enough value for readers and too much overwhelming them. Analyze your guest post’s word count to make sure it satisfies your target audience and topic area appropriately; aim for one with comprehensive information without becoming wordy. The content above 1000 words is good content.

Clustering Content:

Content clustering involves organizing your posts around certain themes or topics and linking them together in order to help search engines understand the relevance and relationship between pieces, ultimately increasing visibility in search results.

You should review guest posts posted by other visitors to your website to see if they could be clustered together for maximum traffic flow while decreasing bounce rate.

Keywords in the content:

Leveraging keywords within headings, meta tags, and titles is one way to improve SEO performance for content that you post online. The auditor must ensure to check that the main keyword along with LSI keywords are in the content. Make sure your guest post’s title contains your targeted keyword while still being compelling to readers. Use the main keywords in headings and subheadings and optimize meta tags.

Internal Links:

Internal links are essential in guiding readers through your website and increasing traffic flow. If you are a content auditor make sure to ask the writer and SEO team to add links in the content. Evaluate guest posts for opportunities to include internal links leading to relevant pages on the website – adding these can increase dwell time on site, reduce bounce rate and improve engagement overall.

External Links:

External or outbound links can help build trust with readers by linking from guest posts to other websites. It is important that when choosing external links as links from guest posts to external websites that you link from, reputable and authoritative ones that enhance user experience should be chosen carefully as these will reflect back onto you and could damage credibility.

Call to Actions (CTAs):

A call to action (CTA) is a statement that motivates readers to take a specific action, such as subscribing to your newsletter, sharing content or making purchases. Review your guest post to ensure it includes an engaging CTA that compels readers to take the desired steps – it should also be relevant and provide value to readers.

Short Paragraphs:

Long paragraphs can be daunting and difficult to read online, especially on digital platforms. Take care to ensure that the paragraphs in your guest post are short and succinct for easier scanning and comprehension by readers. Try breaking up your text using bullet points, number lists or subheadings as visual breaks for greater visual impact. A good auditor is a keen observer, as he will always tell the writers to write short paragraphs.

Transition Words:

Transition words help your content flow more easily and improve readability, creating smooth transitions between ideas and paragraphs and improving readability. Review your guest post to ensure it uses appropriate transition words and phrases that connect ideas logically, helping readers follow its flow and understand your message more easily.

Passive Voice:

Passive voice can make your content less engaging and authoritative, so take note when reading through guest posts for instances of passive voice usage. Rewrite these sentences using active voice instead, which is more direct and engaging.

Tone of the content:

The overall tone and style of your writing matter a lot. As the reader looks for easy-to-understand language in the content, so as a content reviewer you should reebok the content that uses difficult words or is less readable.

Call to Action: 

Conducting a content audit for guest posting is essential to ensure that your content meets search engines, readers, and your overall goals. As content auditing is an important job and requires deep knowledge and understanding of the English language as well as the search engine.

So, try to hire content auditors for the written material before uploading. All the written materials like articles, blogs, product descriptions, copy, and social media posts require proofreading and editing. This can only be done by expert and experienced writers.

The Digitech Resource Group is a content marketing and advertising agency that has written thousands of manuscripts and content for our clients. We provide our services to various industries like hospitals, schools, and colleges, software houses and marketing agencies.

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