Microsoft’s ChatGPT-3 Powered Bing and Edge Triggers Alarm to Google’s Dominance

We all know how strong the Big 5 tech companies are and their dominance in the global technology market. A new startup, using a blue ocean strategy, automates the process and tries to take advantage of an empty playing field. The ground is filled by the GAMMA/ GAMAM. They either buy the start-up or launch their product in the beta version to attract clients.

As they have a monopoly over the digital world, they publicize their product and compete with the newly launched start-up. Such competition is also seen among the Big 5 tech companies themselves. The release of chatGPT by Open AI is an example. In this article, we will see how Microsoft has planned to take over the seat of search engines from Google.

What Is Chat GPT-3? 

ChatGPT-3, a subsidiary product of Open AI, launched its Betta version in 2020. Chat GPT-3, an autoregressive model, uses machine learning to generate human-like texts. When a prompt is given, GPT-3 responds accordingly and concatenates the prompt content. It generates the text according to the data and model trained upon and the input command received.

The OLD Bing and Microsoft Edge 

Like Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, Edge is a search engine owned by Microsoft. Microsoft Bing is the refined and upgraded version of previous search engines of Microsoft like Live Search, and MSN Search. Microsoft revamped them and launched Bing 14 years ago in June 2009. It is written in ASP.NET and is the default search engine of Edge. The edge introduced at that time had a listing for search suggestions. A sidebar was integrated into Bing to search queries and related searches to ease the users.

You could see the most highly searched queries and keywords beneath the search bar. As the search engine is scrolled down, your recently visited sites and trending articles appear. You may find articles on entertainment, news, sports, etc. in your feed. For the past decade, Bing has been trying its maximum to give competition to its rival tech search engine giant Google. Alas, it has failed badly in competing with Google from day one.

Google vs Bing 

Google and Bing competed with each other for more than two decades. It is a subsidiary owned by Alphabet and Bing is the search engine of Microsoft. Although Microsoft had the upper hand over software technology, Google surpassed it in search, server, and video platforms.

Google has always maintained superiority in user search engine market share. There was no second competitor of Google, neither Baidu nor Bing. After they bought YouTube in 2006, their advertisement business grew exponentially. Bing on the other hand had always been manhandled by users. The reason is the slow browser of Internet Explorer. But now the air has changed with the merger of AI into Bing.

The New Bing 

Microsoft announced the merger of AI chatGPT-3 into the Bing search engine. This integration of language models in the new Bing is regarded as a revolution and a new age in the field of IT. The new AI-powered Bing will act as a co-pilot for web research.

On 7th February, Chairman and CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella said “ AI is going to change the computer field, starting with the Bing search engine. We are launching Bing and Edge that have chat features powered by AI to better get the results from search engines.”

Currently, it is in the testing stage so not all public is given access to it. Users can register themselves to get experience by registering here. Estimates suggest that around half of the queries when searched on the internet, go unanswered. Therefore, to cover the cons found in the search, a permanent and more concise solution was required.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence engineers at Open AI sat together and brainstormed. They came up with an auto-write solution and auto-completion of texts with specific prompts. As Chat-GPT follows NLP (Natural Language Processing), the machine learning after reading generates unique content. However, it shows accurate and updated data.

Features of New Bing  

Developers have fed and trained the models for chatGPT. Deep learning languages are used to train the chatGPT. Let’s dig into the features of the new Bing.

Chat feature: 

As you have searched for any problem, you might want to ask for additional information which is not present on the internet or any website. You can open a newly launched chat feature from the right bar to get the answer to your desired query. Even if the information is present, it is difficult for you to reach the exact information from a complete book. Reading a complete book for an article or newsletter may consume productive time, so use the chatGPT-3 chat box from the sidebar of the Microsoft search engine.

Revamping Search 

In the past, search engines provided the information that was present on the websites which were read by search engines. But in the 2010’s it became sentient and could even provide you answers. Let’s take an example: if a user searched “2+2” on Google, he would only get the results of websites that had the keyword 2+2 in them. But now if you type “2+2” on the search bar, Google replies with the answer “2+2 is 4.

Advantages of using Chat GPT:

Fast search 

The queries when searched on Bing take less time to give results. When a user enters keywords or asks for questions, they take no time to give a proper result for these.

Coding structures:

Developers and programmers are unable to generate designs. However, if given proper command, they can provide the code which, when pasted, can provide a layout. Users can get backend and front-end programming codes with an adequate prompt.

Better responses 

The search queries on Bing provide more logical and better replies. On Google If a user searches any keyword, all the information that is already present on websites appears on the search engine but the case is different here.


On Bing, if a user comes and searches for any information, whether the information is indexed on search engines or not, the new AI Bing generates the answer according to the prompt. The prompts are very important in the new Bing. they will provide the users with the desired information that they were trying to search for on Bing.

Edge vs Chrome  

Microsoft’s operating system used internet explorer as their world wide web search engine browser. Microsoft retired it from service when launching Windows 10. Windows 10 had a new upgrade that brought a new Edge browser.

On the other hand, Google Chrome has always received positive reviews from users in terms of surfing. Users when install a new window automatically get a chance to use Microsoft Edge with the default browser of Bing. They download Google Chrome from the Internet Explorer and throw Microsoft’s default application in the dustbin.

Call To Action:  

As described, this new OpenAI feature is going to be game changing. According to Bill Gates, this is the second time in his life that he is so impressed after the discussion with team OpenAI. The first time was when he saw a graphical user interface (backbone for all websites).

I hope you have loved reading this piece of content written by an expert and experienced writer of TDTRG. TDTRG is a software company providing Blockchain Development, Web Design And Development Services, SEO, PPC, Custom Software Development, Mobile App Development, WordPress, Shopify, Opencart, Magento, Wix, and CRM Development Services. They are named as the best IT company in New York. If you wish to get a free quote for your next project you can contact them at +1 (855) 880 5222 or mail them at

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