Does SEO Impact The Website Ranking?- A Guide in 2023

For an online business to grow, its visibility is important. If any site does not appear on google, it will be worthless and hence clients will not buy from it. So, the website must become visible to the readers.  As soon as developers start to work on the site, one can see a sharp rise in its monthly traffic. It is the responsibility of the SEO specialist or digital marketer to take care of its SERP ranking.  Hiring SEO specialists can particularly be helpful in brand visibility and appearance to the audience. Where there are pros to SEO, there are cons to it as well. However, the cons are less as compared to the pros. Let’s get into depth to check the impacts.


SEO stands for search engine optimization. As the name suggests, optimization means making an effective way for something. In the IT field, when some talk about SEO, it refers to the search engine. When the website or pages on Google index are at the top of the result page, it is due to SEO.


SERP commonly refers to the search engine result page. The main target of these SERP pages is to rank the websites at the top of search engines. If SERP is the 1st page of the search engine for any website it is the icing on the cake. 

It means the website has followed all the relevant instructions and strategies suggested by a search engine. If SERP appears on 2-4 pages on search engines still a website gets users and traffic. However, if your website is ranked on lower pages, there are negligible chances that your website will get a great traffic audience and engagement. This is not what a business owner or website owner desires.    

Issues For Lower SERP

There can be various reasons for low ranking on a search engine, some of which are 

Less use of keywords

Users search a query on google through keywords. The keywords may be short-tail or long-tail keywords. Depending on their use the writer inserts the relevance and more appropriate keywords according to the topic. The short tail keywords are searched with higher concentration but have higher competition.  On the other hand, long tail keywords are specific and have less competition on the scale but they have low search volume on Google. The keywords in the article on content should not only be relevant but also used for consistency. 

Above Keywords Density

Keyword density is the use of the same short or long tail keyword Normally a keyword density of 2-3 percent is good enough. It means that the keyword density should be enough to be visible on the internet. The use of keywords in the content above 5-6 percent is not healthy. 

Less Quality Content

Good content or written piece for any website is a golden ticket to a higher ranking of the website. According to new updates by Google, they are more interested in the NLP and sentient language of the written content.  If you have an article or blog written with less worthy content, that is less sentient, surely there are chances that Google crawler will index it on lower pages.

Domain Authority

The backlinks on the website with good DA provide your site traffic. Moz, an SEO solution SAAS provider coined the term DA, which literally means Domain Authority. Lower DA means, the website is missing backlinking, responsiveness and optimization. The DA below 40 is not good for the business and if it is above 60, you are at the right track. Therefore,  

Does SEO Affect the Ranking on Google?

A major question that comes to the mind of readers is that even f they opt the SEO solutions for their online business, will there be any positive change in business? The answer is “Yes”. If a business opts the optimization services from TDTRG, you will see result in next couple of months. 

Positive Impacts Of SEO On Website

  • Visibility:

The increased visibility of a website on the search engine result page to viewers increases customer engagement.  

  • Engagement:

More audience gets on the site as the site is ranked above the SERP positions. The interaction of users is directly proportional to the visibility of a website on Google search. 

  • Brand value:

The profile of a company or brand gets increased due to increased interaction with the public. Hence, more public recognizes the particular brand, and becomes more famous. 

  • More revenue:

If google ADS is activated more money will come due to increased traffic. As your site is ranked higher in Google algorithms, it means more people will buy products from your e-commerce website. 

  • Sales: 

If your website is selling a product or affiliated product, more revenue will come to a brand due to increase traffic.


The impact of SEO surely ranks the content and site above the SERPs. SEO and its use have seen used since the advent of google.  As the benefits and advantages of evident, we can conclude that only experts can help to revive the website’s visibility. But the questions arises which company to look for optimization services?

I will introduce the best SEO service provider in New York. It is none other than The DigiTech Resource Group. TDTRG is a leading provider of SEO services like Technical SEO, Local SEO, On page and off-page SEO, competitive analysis, and backlinking. They have handled dozens of clients and provided effective solutions for optimization issues. 

TDTRG is a top-ranked SEO company in New York providing services to various industries from automobiles to small business owners.  In short, not only they are economical and reliable but also offer top-notch quality services. If you want to get a free quote from TDTRG, mail


Should you pursue SEO services?

Yes, you should pursue SEO for your website. Hire the services of TDTRG for your SEO solutions. 

Does SEO rank websites?

Yes, SEO helps to rank a website. You have to be patient to achieve the optimization goals. For the best optimization experience, get a free SEO quote from TDTRG.

How does SEO impact websites?

SEO impacts websites in a positive manner. You can see its impact with time. It’s time to start appearing after 6 months. The traffic count appears steady at first but it catches speed as specialists continue SEO even after 6 months. 

Does SEO increase website traffic?

Yes, it does. If you use white hat SEO strategies there are fair chances you will be rewarded. This means that progressively SEO increases the traffic site. 

How important is on-page SEO for website ranking?

On-page, SEO contains targeted keywords. The On-page SEO involves all factors required for on-site optimization. Quality content is the main pillar of On-page SEO. Quality content includes headings, HTML, pictures, ALT text, etc. 

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