A Comprehensive List of Must-Have eCommerce Website Features in 2022

Are you looking to launch your very own eCommerce website? As more and more consumers continue to favor buying products online, eCommerce websites are becoming more important than ever before. It’s not enough just to build an attractive website anymore – eCommerce websites must now offer all the necessary features that will turn your visitors into customers.

In order to help you get started with creating your own eCommerce website, we’ve put together this comprehensive list of must-have eCommerce website features that you need to include in your website in 2022. Check out our list below!

An online store should be mobile friendly    

In today’s world, people are constantly on the go and using their mobile devices to do everything from checking the time to ordering dinner. It’s important that your eCommerce website is mobile friendly so that your customers can easily browse and purchase your products no matter where they are. Here are five must-have features for a mobile friendly eCommerce website:

  1. A responsive design that looks great on all devices
  2. Easy navigation so customers can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily
  3. Ease of use with simple checkout options
  4. Speed – nothing frustrates customers more than waiting too long for pages to load or forms to submit
  5. Simplicity – less clutter means it’s easier for users to see what you have available and compare items;

Security – make sure your website uses up-to-date SSL certificates and has good site security practices;

Content management system (CMS) integration – many CMSs allow you to update information without having to touch any code which can save a lot of time and effort;

Better cart experiences – give customers the ability to save payment methods, store shipping addresses,

share wish lists across devices, etc.; Product reviews/ratings – this way consumers know if an item is worth buying before they buy it.

Follow a positive user experience design (UX) 

Creating a positive user experience should be at the forefront of any eCommerce website design. In order to create a positive UX, there are several features that must be included.

First and foremost, your website must be easy to navigate. Users should be able to find what they are looking for without difficulty. Secondly, your website should be visually appealing. This doesn’t mean that it needs to be flashy, but it should be pleasing to the eye.

Third, your website must load quickly. The quicker your site loads, the better. Lastly, don’t neglect security. Include measures to protect sensitive information such as credit card numbers and other personal data from potential hackers or other online threats. These few simple steps will go a long way in creating an excellent user experience.

Content management capabilities 

A good eCommerce platform will have content management capabilities that allow you to easily add, edit, and delete products, categories, and pages on your website. This is important for keeping your website up-to-date and ensuring that your customers can find the products they’re looking for.

You should also make sure that there are enough templates available so you don’t need to spend a lot of time creating new designs. Your theme options should also be simple so as not to confuse potential buyers who are new to shopping online.

There’s no point in giving people more things to think about when making a purchase decision. Make it easy for them to get what they want with the best possible customer experience.

Promotion & discount code tools

As an eCommerce business, you need to have a way to promote your products and services. Discount codes are a great way to do this. They can help you attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back for more.

Plus, they’re a great way to boost your bottom line. Here are some features to look for in a discount code tool -Integrated with the shopping cart so that customer receives their discounts automatically when purchasing items.

An easy-to-use checkout

A checkout is one of the most important features of an eCommerce website. You want to make sure that it is easy for customers to find and use. Here are some things to keep in mind when designing your checkout:

-Make the process as simple as possible. The fewer steps involved, the better.

-Include a progress bar so customers can see how far along they are in the process.

-Include customer service information prominently so customers can get help if they need it. Customer service should be available via phone, email, chat, or live chat.

-Provide coupons and discounts with special offers (e.g., $10 off).

-Offer speedy shipping options such as next day delivery or two day delivery at no extra cost to provide quick gratification for buyers who don’t want to wait any longer than necessary. And finally…

-Provide free returns on all orders with no questions asked.

Shipping Information  

Customers want to know how much shipping will cost and when they can expect their order to arrive. Be sure to list this information prominently on your website and make it easy for customers to find. You should also offer multiple shipping options so that customers can choose the option that best suits their needs.

For example, if you offer both first class and priority mail, the customer can choose which service is more suitable for them. If a customer wants something as soon as possible, he or she may be willing to pay a higher price for priority mail. If the customer is not concerned about time, then he or she might opt for the cheaper first class mailing.

Order Tracking

In today’s digital world, customers want to be able to track their orders every step of the way. That’s why an order tracking feature is a must-have for any eCommerce website. By providing your customers with up-to-date information on the status of their order, they’ll be more likely to remain loyal to your brand.

Additionally, it will give them peace of mind knowing that there’s someone out there looking out for them and their package. Furthermore, this feature can also work as an incentive because it gives customers an extra level of personalization and convenience.

Multiple payment options 

Offering multiple payment options is crucial for any eCommerce website. In 2022, the most popular payment options will be credit and debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. By offering a variety of payment options, you can make it easy and convenient for your customers to purchase from your website.

  • Mobile compatibility: Your eCommerce website should also be mobile compatible. It’s important that users are able to buy items on their phone as well as on their desktop computer.
  • Payment security: When setting up your online store, make sure that you have high levels of encryption when collecting sensitive information like credit card numbers or bank account details.
  • Shipping cost transparency: Including shipping costs upfront ensures that customers are aware of what they’re paying before they checkout.

Advanced eCommerce SEO capabilities

In order to be successful, your eCommerce website must have advanced SEO capabilities. This means that you must be able to track and analyze your website traffic, as well as make changes to your website in order to improve your ranking in search engine results pages.

Additionally, your eCommerce website should be mobile-friendly and responsive, as more and more people are using their mobile devices to browse the internet. It is important to use analytics tools like Google Analytics to collect data about how customers interact with your website and where they click on your site.

You can then use this information for a number of purposes including optimizing for conversions by making sure you’re addressing customer pain points through online searches. You’ll also want an inventory management system that provides visibility into what’s currently available in stock so you don’t run out of items and frustrate customers who are looking for specific products or brands.

An integrated blog or articles section

In order to build trust with potential customers, it is important to have an integrated blog or articles section on your eCommerce website. This will show that you are an expert in your field and can provide valuable information to your customers.

Furthermore, this will help improve your SEO rankings, as potential customers will be more likely to find your website if you have a blog or articles section.

Finally, you should also consider including videos about products on your website. These videos can be made by the company itself or by influencers who recommend the product. They should focus on how the product works, its uses, etc., rather than being promotional in nature.

Email marketing features or integration

In order to have a successful online store, you need to be able to reach and engage your target audience. Email marketing is a great way to do this, and it’s only going to become more important in the coming years.

Make sure your eCommerce website has email marketing features or integration so you can take advantage of this powerful marketing tool. You should also consider including an email subscription form on your site so that visitors can subscribe to your newsletter.

Reporting tools & custom report features  

As your business grows, you’ll want to be able to track your progress and performance. That’s where reporting tools come in. Reporting tools give you the ability to see how your website is performing and where there is room for improvement.

You can identify which sections are underperforming or ranking poorly, making it easier to improve these areas or make necessary changes. Some of the most popular features include keyword search reports and on-page optimization reports that identify keyword opportunities within a site’s content.

Other features include conversion funnel analysis, traffic sources overview, and conversion rates by device/browser/OS and referral source overviews. More specific examples of what you might want to report on includes conversions from emails, social media campaigns, mobile vs desktop customers, shopping cart abandonment and more.

Your reporting tools should also provide data visualizations that help bring insights into your data so they’re easy to understand. You should have access to powerful filters as well as drill down capabilities that let you get really specific with your data.

Customer Support / Chatbots

As the popularity of online shopping continues to grow, so does the need for customer support. Many eCommerce websites now offer chatbots, which are AI-powered software programs that can help answer customer questions and resolve issues.

Chatbots are available 24/7 and can often provide faster resolutions than human customer service representatives. Chatbots also have a high success rate when it comes to answering customers’ inquiries and resolving their problems.

According to a study by Facebook IQ, 70% of chatbot conversations end successfully without any follow up needed from a customer service representative.

This is because chatbots can automatically monitor incoming messages, learn from them, and be trained on common queries and replies by humans. It’s important to note that even though these bots may eventually replace some of the roles currently held by customer service reps, they do not eliminate them entirely.

When there are complex situations where a bot cannot find an answer or solve an issue on its own, it will either pass along the message or escalate it to a live agent depending on what is most appropriate.

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