A Quick Guide to the Most Popular Programming Languages

Navigating the World of Programming: A Quick Guide to Popular Languages

Programming can be an expansive world. While diving into its depths without prior knowledge may seem intimidating, there are ways to quickly pick up on basic programming languages and pick up more advanced ones quickly. If you are new to programming but have ab interest in getting into this exciting field then this guide covers a number of popular languages so you can make sense of this vast ocean right away. In this particular piece, we will be covering various aspects.

  • A Quick Guide to The Most Popular Programming Languages
  • Most used Programming language: Java
  • Server Side Scripting Language: PHP
  • Machine Language: Python
  • Dynamic object-oriented programming language: Ruby
  • Advanced HTML and C++: JavaScript
  • Easy-to-use: C++
  • Successor of C++: C-sharp
  • C class language: Objective-C
  • Out of the Box language: Shell
  • Apple creation language: Swift
  • Conclusion:

Most used Programming language: Java     

Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based object-oriented programming language created in 1991 by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems’ headquarters in California. Since its debut, it has become one of the world’s most popular programming languages – being adopted by virtually every major corporation for mobile phones and web servers among others.

Server Side Scripting Language: PHP

PHP is an increasingly popular server-side scripting language used for dynamic website pages. Created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf and currently the world’s most-used programming language. When first learning this particular scripting language, its syntax may resemble HTML but with much more features available within PHP itself.

PHP is easy to learn but difficult to master, this can make the development of simple websites or applications without much structure more challenging than intended. Once you get familiar with using its built-in functions, however, projects become far smoother and manageable!

Machine Language: Python   

Python is a general-purpose programming language offering high-level features like dynamic and static typing for easier code writing. Furthermore, this flexible programming environment also supports object-oriented programming, functional programming, and data analysis.

Python has been applied in numerous scientific disciplines, from artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to earth sciences and engineering. Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn for newcomers. It features less restrictive syntax rules than C++ or Java and its code is much more readable.

Python can also be used for general-purpose programming due to its high-level features, including dynamic and static typing, that make writing code simpler. Furthermore, it provides functional programming as well as data analysis features.

Dynamic object-oriented programming language: Ruby

Ruby is an open-source programming language for web development, command line tools and text processing. It was initially created by Yukihiro Matsumoto as a scripting language to assist him with programming his Linux system (then known as GNU). Ruby first released under an open source license with Rails in 1996, making the language popular among web developers. Since then, many other frameworks based on similar principles have appeared – most recently Node.js and Ruby On Rails (Ror).

Ruby on Rails (RoR), Sinatra, Django and Padrino for iOS apps; JavaScript is an interactive web page creation language and the most-popular programming language worldwide, used to develop mobile applications as well as websites.

Advanced HTML and C++: JavaScript 

We can use JavaScript for making games using HTML5 Canvas or WebGL. Building websites using PHP, Ruby on Rails (a web application framework), and Python, and creating mobile apps using Objective-C or Swift are among the many available techniques for website creation and maintenance. Building iOS and Mac applications using Swift, building mobile apps with Java, or building them using C++ as an available purpose programming language, as well as designing websites using AJAX.

Easy-to-use: C++   

C++ is one of the world’s most widely used programming languages, to run across different systems without needing modifications or extra code rewriting. Furthermore, its support of object-oriented and generic programming enables more efficient and flexible code than in languages such as Java or Python. ISO has adopted C++ since 1998 (ISO/IEC 14882:1998), providing consistent standards for using this language across platforms (Windows XP/Vista/7/8).

C class language: ObjectiveC

Objective-C is a C-based language by NeXT and Apple for their operating systems. As it’s a superset of C, all your existing C code will work seamlessly when using Objective-C. Objective-C’s most distinctive trait is its object-oriented nature. More like Java than C, Objective-C uses similar syntaxes and conventions for writing code. As such, developers who have worked in other languages or are looking to learn a new one will quickly feel at home using Objective-C!

Out of the Box language: Shell   

Shell is a programming language that allows you to write scripts and programs for controlling the operating system. Brand design agencies commonly utilize Shell scripting to create programs to automate computer tasks or interact with software applications.

Shell is an accessible programming language that helps anyone of any skill level understand how computers operate by creating their own scripts and applications for any platform or operating system, without needing prior programming experience or knowledge of coding languages such as Python, C++ or JavaScript.

Apple creation language: Swift      

Swift is a general-purpose programming language for multi-paradigm programming tasks that resembles Objective-C; however, Swift was more efficient and safer. Swift 2 provides a type system that automatically infers the types of variables within your code based on their values, so you no longer need to explicitly state their types in each function or class declaration – making coding less effortful! Typing can thus become unnecessary. This means less typing! No longer must variables and functions be declared before using them, instead merely assign one thing after another until everything works as anticipated.

Swift 2 introduces many additional features, including generics and protocols. Generics allow you to specify the type of return values from variables or functions before using them, making your code more efficient as it won’t need to do extra work at runtime to determine which object should be returned from each function call.


As all programming languages need some expert to create applications and websites. I will recommend you hire the services of TDTRG. The Digi Tech Resource Group offers premium services for website creation.  We have been ranked as the best off shore programming Language Company by reviewers. Mail at info@tdtrg.com for further information.

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