The Correlation of Domain Name with Effective SEO

In the primitive days of SEO, there was less complexity on SEO. It was easy for website owners to launch a website with a keyword integrated into their domain and get it ranked on the search engine, within a week or two. However, Google has revised its policy and according to the new algorithm, the domain name has no effect on SEO. Let me give you an example: In the past, if you bought a domain name, called, there were chances that Google will rank your website on this keyword too. So, it was a good technique. However, algorithms have totally changed. You can have a better engagement and some users might click on your site from SERPs but it has not nothing to do with authority. The authority of a website relies on great content, backlinks, and the trustworthiness of users.

What is Domain?

A domain is the unique web address that users put into their browsers to access a website. It acts as your online identity and helps visitors locate and remember your site easily. Choosing a domain name that reflects your brand presence is more authoritative than having keywords. For example: When you search word apple on Google, the query comes to the Apple company, not the fruit. Because they have built a reputation in users’ eyes.

Top-Level Domain and Second-Level Domain

TLD stands for Top-Level Domain, which points to the last segment of a domain name. It includes extensions such as .com, .org, .net, etc. On the other hand, SLD (Second-Level Domain) is the part of the domain that comes before the TLD. For example: When you access the website of The Digitech Resource Group on a search engine by typing The word TDTRG is a subdomain while .com is a top-level domain.

When selecting a TLD, it’s essential to consider the nature of your website and target audience. While .com is the most popular choice, it might not always be the best fit. For instance, a .org TLD might be more suitable if you’re running a non-profit organization. Additionally, local businesses can benefit from using country-specific TLDs like or .ca to target specific regions. Strictly speaking, both these domains have no effect on SEO, except the fact that websites using low authority TLD can get de-ranking from SERPs by Google. Indeed, TLD and SLD bring easiness and uniqueness to your website, but not the customers.

Google and Domain Name                     

Google, the leading search engine, evaluates various factors to determine search rankings. While domain names alone won’t guarantee a top spot in search results, they can impact SEO indirectly. Google focuses on providing users with relevant and high-quality content, and a domain name that aligns with your website’s purpose and content can contribute to improved visibility.

SERP and Domain Name

SERP (Search Engine Results Page) refers to the page displayed by search engines in response to a user’s query. The domain name can affect the visibility of your website on the SERP. If your domain name includes relevant keywords, it may attract more clicks and improve your organic search traffic.

Exact Match Domain (EMD) and SEO

In the past, Exact Match Domains (EMDs) were considered advantageous for SEO. An EMD is a domain that precisely matches a popular search term. However, search engines have evolved to prioritize user experience and relevance over exact keyword matches. While an EMD can still provide some SEO benefits, focusing solely on an exact match domain is no longer a guaranteed strategy for high rankings. But some may use it to build brand presence and engagement with the audience.

TLD, and SLD: Which is Best for SEO?

When it comes to sub-domains, domains, TLDs, and SLDs, it’s crucial to consider your specific SEO goals. Subdomains are used to create separate sections within a domain, while domains represent the primary address of a website. Choosing the right combination depends on factors like the structure and organization of your content. Ultimately, the best approach is to prioritize user experience, clarity, and relevance in your domain architecture.

Does Domain Extension Affect SEO?

Domain extensions, also known as domain endings, do not affect SEO. While search engines don’t consider domain extensions as a direct ranking factor, they can affect user perceptions and click-through rates. For instance, visitors might find a domain with a credible extension or .gov more trustworthy. However, the impact of domain extensions on SEO is relatively minimal compared to other factors like content quality, backlinks, and user engagement.


As a concluding remark, I shall emphasize the need of using domain registration platforms for a better idea about domain pricing and a better way. TDTRG helps as we help to unravel your brand’s services and get the perfect domain for your business.

Our SEO experts do the research and provide the customers with the best possible available domains to attract the audience. The Digitech Resource Group exerts all its efforts to ensure that your company lands on the top page of Google rankings. We provide hosting services for our clients too that too at an economical rate. If you are interested to get a quote, mail us at

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