The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Your Mobile App

You know exactly how much resources it takes to build a successful app. Whether it is the Google Play Store or the IOS store, publishing an app is not a crucial task. The important role starts after you have performed app store optimization strategies and ranked it on the store. What problems you will face and how these will be solved, like review and rating drops, bug issues, and customer support are the big hurdles. At the end of the day, your main objective is to get revenue from your app, and therefore monetization is necessary. Before beginning, one question needs to be addressed as it encompasses every aspect of the app:

How will the app be monetized?  

One of the key decisions in developing a mobile app will be how to monetize it. While there are various approaches available for you. Choosing which will best fit your app may depend on many different variables. Here, we have provided some factors that will assist in understanding how to monetize your App, so read on for some guidance on how to best monetize it.

Monetization for Mobile Apps 

Monetization is the practice of making money off audience subscribers via a mobile application. Multiple models exist within this process that developers can easily incorporate into their apps. Some depend on the app category. While others exist only as revenue generators. Since customer experience plays an essential role in building trust among potential buyers, mobile app developers must also understand ways to generate income during the development process.

Why Create a Mobile App First Place? 

Business owners who haven’t fully embraced mobile technology often ask themselves this question when considering creating their first mobile app. There could be various reasons for hesitating, will it pay off and set them apart, or will people use it? If you’re an analytical thinker like myself, chances are good you are currently considering all aspects of app creation in detail.

At the end of the day, it is crucial to think carefully about your users and their journeys. Where would it make the most sense to monetize the app according to how it’s expected they will use it? At present, more free apps than paid apps have been published online from 2019-2023. More than 100,000 applications will soon be published online for public consumption.

Will it be necessary for me to monetize my app?

Without an effective monetization plan in place, your app won’t generate any income and it may struggle to recoup its development costs, time, and resources expended during its creation process. With billions being generated annually from app revenues since 2016, experts forecast this number will more than double between 2016-20. However, not all applications or parts thereof need to be monetized; workplace apps for instance do not need to be monetized since you will not charge employees to use them.

Methods for Generating Revenue with Mobile Applications 

Mobile apps must be tailored specifically for users to have maximum impact on businesses. You can increase app revenues by employing effective monetization strategies and selecting models. Here we present two categories of app monetization strategies that could help your company make more money:

●     Direct Monetization: 

Direct Monetization refers to money generated directly from an app’s sale on Apple or Google stores and paid for with credit or cash from users directly within that application. Direct monetization refers to revenue you can generate by employing successful app monetization models. Direct monetization on mobile apps consists of subscription models, premium versions of applications, and buying special functionalities of an application. In short, direct monetization does not involve any third party.

●     Indirect Monetization

Such a kind of monetization usually refers to money generated through passive sources or indirect ways. You need to take leverage of third-party websites, to get more ROI. Indirect monetization. However, gives you a chunk of money before cutting their piece of reward. It mainly involves ads, paid videos, content, etc.

They typically create three types of advertisements such as:

  1. Banner Ads: Banner ads are an online form of advertising provided by an ad server and typically appear at the bottom or top of mobile screens. Unfortunately, banner ads tend to annoy users more than other forms of online marketing and need careful consideration before agreeing to display them on your device.
  2. Notification Ads: Push Notifications, or notifications as they’re commonly known, serve to inform users about an app’s existence and can be very effective. While push notifications might seem intrusive at times, their effectiveness far outweighs their inconvenience.
  3. Rewarded Ads: Rewarded ads have quickly become one of the most effective means of monetizing mobile apps by increasing advertising revenue. Users interact with playable advertisements in exchange for rewards within their app.


You must reach out to a specialist mobile application company if you are aiming to monetize it in the future. The best one can fulfill all requirements and help you reach the climax before revenue can be generated. The Digi Tech Resource Group is the leading Android and IOS mobile application company in New York that has a decade of experience in handling clients in the Automobile industry, education, software development, e-commerce, and service industries. Our app developers can help you launch your ideal Android app on the Google Play Store. If you are uninterested in getting a quote on our services, mail us at

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